Yep — that’s a rabbit. In our fenced-in back yard. He’s an expert hole-digger and a pretty fast runner. The little girl inside my head thinks he’s cute. The adult gardener in my head is not happy he’s enjoying our large vegetable garden.
I spotted him when I was editing a backyard garden photo . . .
There he is, in the middle of hopping over the low decorative garden edging . . .
We’ve seen him a few times now, and we even had to evict him from his rather posh, self-built home hidden inside our giant vegetable bed. My husband sprayed that stinky animal repellent stuff around, but this rabbit is fearless. Either that or he’s got a stuffed up nose and can’t smell the scent that is supposed to invoke the fear of God in rabbits.
When I was growing up, I read the novel Watership Down by Richard Adams. I loved that book, and reread it about six years ago. That book definitely gets my imagination going on what this rabbit is up to, who he’s hanging out with, and where is the big warren — the one with the central meeting space for all of the rabbits in the community . . .
But I’m not sure we can co-exist peacefully. We do have things in common, like our mutual love of the flowers in my back yard. However, the rabbit wants to eat them, whereas I just want to enjoy looking at them.
I had a talk with my bunny, Hester, a few weeks ago after she ate all the leaves off my beloved beans…
The rabbit “condo” that we found within our vegetable bed was right in between the eggplants and beans… Coincidence?
HI Laura,
That bunny has nothing on the millions of little chipmunks burrowing holes all over my yard!
Read your bio – so you were a big-haired Philly girl! I grew up outside of Philly and also rocked some seriously huge hair myself! My daughter plays the flute – I play nothing – so I’m jealous of your classic training!
Maybe you can play the flute (like the pied piper) to lure that bunny out of your yard!
Hey Kelly! Yes, um…still trying to rock some semi-big curly hair these days…just can’t get away from it. LOL The rabbit came back again; you’re right that I might need to lure him away because my husband didn’t like my suggestion that we might have enough vegetables to share with the bunny… (Love your blog, btw!)
I have a rabbit that likes to hang out during the hottest part of the day in the middle of my bean bed. So far he hasn’t damaged that much and the kids(ages 6 and 9) love to go out and spook him out of his spot!
Oh Marcella, that sounds so cute! 🙂 I bet the rabbit appreciates having some shade each day! (I’ve got an update on the rabbit story too – the “he” brought a “she” with him! You can see the update on today’s blog post!)