Enjoy this garden tour of our front yard foundation garden beds in Fall. These easy-care foundation plantings provide beautiful color year round. Includes video!

My final Fall Garden Tour for this season?
The foundation garden beds in our grass-free front yard.
Below are several images of the garden beds, and at the end of this post are two videos where I explain the plants and shrubs in detail.
Foundation garden beds in Fall
Both of these beds have some symmetry on each side of the front entrance, yet each contain many different foundation plantings too.
In the Fall, the vibrant color of the ornamental maples take center stage.
Left side foundation garden bed:
Right side foundation garden bed:
Symmetry in Foundation Garden Beds
Ornamental Japanese Maples
As I mentioned above, both beds have an ornamental Japanese Maple, which provides pretty green leaves on coral stems in the Spring and Summer, stunning Fall color, plus interesting stems in the Winter.
Evergreen Lavender Phenomenal
Each bed contains wonderful evergreen lavender — Lavender Phenomenal — planted next to the front steps on each side. I like to think of this lavender as a four-season perennial since it keeps its color in Winter.
Euonymus Silver King
We planted Euonymus Silver King at the back of each foundation bed against the house. Euonymus is a dependable evergreen. This one has variegated green and ivory color with pretty orange berries in Winter.
During the Fall, the berries are just starting to color up:
Other foundation plantings in each bed
There are different shrubs and perennials in each foundation garden bed.
As each bed is a different size, this works out well. (While both beds are the same width, one bed is deeper front-to-back.)
Verbena Bonariensis
I planted Verbena bonariensis in a spot that actually doesn’t get much moisture due to where it’s located. (I show this in detail in the video.)
The flowers are very pretty when they dry on the stems in the Fall:
Knock Out Roses
I know, I know, it seems like I have these all over the place. Well, I do!
These roses are easy to maintain, and once they get going in the Summer there’s not much to do — other than deadheading regularly.
Evergreens in various shades, heights and textures
There are colorful evergreens in shades of green and blue, and I love mixing them together.
Japanese Helleri, Blue Star Juniper and Kramer’s Red Winter Heath:
Several evergreens planted around the ornamental maple tree:
Small juniper shrubs in green and blue:
Kramer’s Red Winter Heath
One of my favorite small shrubs is Kramer’s Red Winter Heath, a wonderful four-season shrub that blooms all Winter long.
It usually begins blooming in December, but while filming the garden video I actually spotted a few early blooms! Much earlier than usual!
Video Tour: Foundation Garden Beds
I split up the garden tour into two videos. I hope you enjoy them!
And if you do, please click over to YouTube and hit the “like” button. (It’s how YouTube knows whether they should share my videos with more viewers, so every “like” helps!)
Happy gardening!
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