Enjoy my early December garden with Winter heath and heather blooming, vibrant pink-orange berries on euonymus shrubs and red leaves on Little Henry Virginia Sweetspire. Includes video!

I shared this photo of me (below) recently on social media, and said, “Why am I smiling?” before continuing to explain why.
I’m smiling because the Kramer’s Red Winter Heath has already begun to bloom — much earlier than usual. But then again, nothing has been “usual” about this year!
Heath, Heather and Hydrangeas
I love how the Kramer’s Red Winter Heath looks with the dried Little Lime Hydrangea flowers above it. To the right is a white heather also in bloom.
The white heather doesn’t have a name, so I have no idea what variety it is.
I wish I did know, however, as I would buy up every plant I could find. This unnamed white heather seems to bloom year-round. It’s the craziest thing!
December garden: Little Henry Virginia Sweetspire
Below are two Little Henry Virginia Sweetspire shrubs, and yes they still have their colorful red leaves in early December! You can also see a Mugo pine, part of a River Birch tree as well as red and yellow twig dogwoods.
Little Henry hangs onto its leaves for a long time. I remember reading this some time ago, but completely forgot until seeing it with my own eyes. It is spectacular!
December garden: Berries, Berries, Berries
Berries are an easy garden decoration for Winter interest. You can find them on junipers, holly shrubs and varieties of euonymus plants too.
The berries on this Manhattan Euonymus shrub below are gorgeous with their vibrant pink and orange colors.
Below are berries from a Silver King Euonymus shrub. The birds love these berries!
(And my cats love to watch the birds from the windows so it’s a win-win situation!)
Video: December Garden: Blooming Heath, Vibrant Berries and Red Leaves
I hope you enjoy the video below, where I take more time showing you early December garden highlights!
After watching, if you enjoyed it, please click over to YouTube and hit the “like” button. (It’s how YouTube knows whether they should share my videos with more viewers, so every “like” helps me!)
Kramer’s Red Winter Heath
I can’t resist this small evergreen shrub and have it planted in quite a few garden beds.
This particular Winter heath blooms from December into April every year.
If you want to learn more about it, please see my complete growing guide here: Kramer’s Red Winter Heath.
Happy gardening!
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