Just consider this a helpful public service announcement: don’t wake a sleeping cat!
Lulu is an expert in cat naps.
Even at just 12 weeks old, way back in the year 2000, Lulu demonstrated her talent for sleeping.
By the age of two, Lulu could snooze just about anywhere.
Toys piled inside her cat bed? Not a problem.
The top of the cat tree was also a favorite spot during her kittenhood.
Fast forward to her present kitten age of 15.5 years: Lulu has perfected the tummy-up-half-twist in her sleep.
She’s that talented.
Sometimes Lulu curls up with her stuffed monkey doll, and other times she kicks it away.
In fact, Lulu prefers to sleep without interruption.
She will get up once she’s had her beauty rest, thank you very much.
Way back in 2002, her big brother Matisse knew this:
That’s why he would just sit nearby. He didn’t want to get bopped on the head.
When Aliza joined our family, she learned rather quickly not to disturb Lulu while she was sleeping.
Now we have Otto, and in a previous post I explained how Lulu feels about her new “big” little brother.
Otto knows to keep a safe distance, like when Lulu’s on the back of the couch in our Library Room.
Until recently.
Otto got too close.
Lulu’s reaction was priceless.
And couldn’t be captured in photos or on video.
But then I came across this video, making the rounds on social media.
I had to share it here, because these two tigers mimic exactly how Lulu reacts when she’s woken up by Otto.
Enjoy your day!
That is exactly how I react when my hubby touches my feet!