The 2019 Philadelphia Flower Show was filled with colorful flowers and plants. Here are my best photos for garden ideas from the Flower Power themed show!
I attended the Philadelphia Flower Show for the first time this year and found so many garden ideas!
This year’s 2019 theme was Flower Power, and the amount of colorful blooms I saw definitely induced a severe case of Spring Fever!
The Philadelphia Flower Show has quite a storied history . . .
2019 Philadelphia Flower Show Exhibits and Displays
The landscaping and flower garden displays are always a huge draw at the flower show.
Here are a few that caught my eye . . .
This beautiful display by the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) was hanging overhead . . .
This vintage truck takes “garden art” to an entirely new level! Love the flowers planted in the engine!
Below is one of several exhibits showing gardens in front (or back) yards, just outside the door. They had a row of these, each decorated differently.
I’m not sure I would put loaves of bread in a basket right outside my door, but I guess it’s a look!
My problem with many of the exhibits is that I couldn’t walk “into” them for a closer look. I totally understand you can’t have thousands of attendees trampling on your hard work, but I wish there was a way to immerse myself into these settings.
I could only get as far as my camera could reach:
Do you see the hidden path in the back of this photo (below)? I bet it leads to someplace magical!
Here is a charming path filled with Tulips, Daffodils and Crocuses!
And this image is from a gorgeous floral color wheel display.
The photos I took of the overall color wheel display weren’t so great, because there were people standing all around. The real magic, I felt, was zooming in to fill up a photo with just the colorful flowers.
2019 Philadelphia Flower Show Flowers and Plants
Most of my photos from the 2019 Philadelphia Flower Show are of pretty Spring flowers, colorful plantings, plus a few Summer blooms.
I hope these photos inspire you as much as they are inspiring me!
Spring Flowers and Colorful Plantings
Hellebore Mahogany Snow:
These Hellebores start out as creamy white flowers that will age to a mahogany-pink shade. Most of them appeared to be more upright facing versus other varieties I’ve seen in the past.
I will definitely plant some Hellebores this year.
Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry:
Every time I see a Serviceberry, I wish I had room to add one to our landscape.
This bird is fake but I loved how these little guys were tucked into the displays here and there.
Tete-a-Tete Daffodils:
I was so excited to see these Tete-a-Tete Daffodils up close, as I’m growing them for the first time this year, and mine are just starting to bloom!
White Grape Hyacinths:
Note to self: Buy some White Grape Hyacinth bulbs to plant this Fall.
Blue Grape Hyacinths:
Another note to self: Buy some blue ones too.
Calgary Tulips and Blue Grape Hyacinths:
Centaurea Montana, also known as Perennial Bachelor’s Button or Corn Flower:
Although I found the large pool kind of pretty in a rustic way, I couldn’t help thinking how this would be a breeding ground for mosquitoes in my own yard!
I also wanted to walk into that exhibit and remove the random flower petal floating in the mirror-like water!
Bee Bright White Star Flower:
I love how the Star Flowers are only part of the pretty display, above. The Gold Mop Cypress, Nandina and Holly colors and textures really complete this pretty scene.
Nandina Domestica Gulf Stream:
I saw Nandina used quite a lot at the 2019 Philadelphia Flower Show. I like how it mixes in and adds color wherever it is planted.
Trevi Fountain Pulmonaria:
This blue Pulmonaria blew me away with its stunning color and variagated leaves! Must. Have. This.
Berggarten Salvia:
A fellow gardener told me this type of Salvia is used more for culinary purposes, as opposed to the Salvias grown for their flowers. I love the fuzzy leaves which remind me of Lamb’s Ear.
Red Twig and Yellow Twig Dogwoods
I am in love with Red Twig Dogwoods, and now I want to add yellow ones to our gardens. Plus I found a coral one that glowed against the dark soil . . .
Red Twig Dogwoods and Daffodils:
I am going to plant Daffodil bulbs to grow up through the red twigs. I love how this looks!
Yellow Twig Dogwood – Bud’s Yellow:
Another thing I loved about this display? They used real leaves spread around the base of the plants, just like you’d see in most gardens or in a more wooded setting. I loved the natural look! And that yellow twig!
Blood Orange Dogwood:
Be still my heart, this pretty dogwood needs a home somewhere in our gardens!
New Plants from Proven Winners:
Proven Winners had a small booth featuring some of their new offerings for 2019. These two caught my eye . . .
Truffula Pink Globe Amaranth:
Lemon Coral Sedum:
Summer Garden Ideas
After taking in so many unusual plants and flowers, it was refreshing to see a display with annual Geraniums!
I used to think they were so boring, but you can’t beat how reliable they are for Summer color!
So beautiful!
Note to self: Don’t just put these guys in containers — pop a few into the ground.
Cheyenne Spirit Coneflowers:
I planted Cheyenne Spirit in our front yard two years ago, and they were promptly eaten down to the ground. Last Summer they began their ascent again, and were again devoured. Sigh…
Elephant Ears:
The following photos show two examples of a small triangular corner bed, each planted with a large Elephant Ear.
What a fabulous idea to include an Elephant Ear for height even in a small-sized bed!
Regal Shields Elephant Ear:
Borneo Giant Elephant Ear:
Indian Summer Black-Eyed Susan:
And last but definitely not least . . .
The rich color of this Black-Eyed Susan, as well as its large blooms, had me in awe.
So there are my 30+ best photos from the 2019 Philadelphia Flower Show.
I hope these images inspired you with gardening ideas, and maybe a new plant — or two or three — to add to your own garden!
Happy gardening!
Wowie😀 Laura we like a lot of the same plants! I love your photos, the color wheel and the test tube floral display with the blue water are both very interesting. I had red twigged dogwoods and a serviceberry in my old garden, the birds loved it. I really miss my garden, we live in a rental now with just a patch of shade, hellebores grow very well here. I will look for the upward facing ones and the blue grape hyacinth bulbs. Did you hear you can overwinter annual geraniums if you lift them and pack them in moist peat moss in a dark cabinet? The challenge for me was forgetting to keep them moist, I don’t know if it works but I want to try again. Wishing you a Happy spring!
Well then, I’d say if we like the same plants — we both have good taste! 🙂 I’m sure it is hard missing your old garden. We redid our landscaping a few years ago, and I miss a pretty Star Magnolia tree that we had. I hope to plant hellebores and grape hyacinths along with snow drops in the Fall…plus more daffodils too. I had a piano teacher when I was a little girl who overwintered her annual geraniums in a giant picture window. They got sun and sometimes bloomed at odd times out of season. You reminded me of this sweet memory!
My sister overwintered annual geraniums in a pot sitting in her kitchen window. It was the craziest thing. They wouldn’t stop blooming.
Yes I’ve seen some people have beautiful success with their geraniums overwintering — and blooming — inside. So pretty!