One of my most popular blog posts has been the one I wrote a year ago on Lithodora.
I titled it, Lithodora: Evergreen and Electric Blue Radiance because I was so impressed with the flowers being such an intense shade of blue. The added bonus that Lithodora is evergreen means you get to enjoy the green foliage during the Winter months.
You can read all about how to grow and care for Lithodora in my original post, but I wanted to share these new pictures with you because I think it’s helpful to see how a plant does through the years. Then you can decide if it’s one you want to try in your own garden.
Right now our Lithodora is in full bloom, and on a cloudy day like today, its blue flowers do seem to be lit up!
The color is gorgeous, and oh how this plant has spread since last year!
Here’s what our Lithodora looked like in 2012:
In the image above, the small patch of Lithodora on the left was newly planted, while the larger patch on the upper right-hand side of the image was two years old at the time.
And today?
Gorgeous spread, plentiful blooms, and a vibrant blue color!
You can see how the old and new Lithodora plants have merged.
This is an easy-care plant. It can trail over walls, in rock gardens, or you can trim it back and contain it within a specific area.
Guide to Planting Lithodora
Read my Lithodora gardening guide post for complete growing information here:
Lithodora: Evergreen and Electric Blue Radiance
And if your Lithodora looks a bit sad right now? Read this:
Is Your Lithodora Brown After Winter? There Is Hope!
Make sure to read all about this plant, then get to a nursery and treat yourself — and your garden — to the blues!
Happy gardening!
So pretty!!!
Thank you Katie! 🙂
Yes they are lovely and worth every penny. I love plants that reward and surprise us year after year. Very nice!
So glad to hear from a fellow gardener, Vetsy! You’re right about rewards and surprises: that’s a major part of the joy I get from gardening!
Wow, gorgeous! Will file this away for when we finally buy a home. Thanks so much, Laura!
You will love them! (And I know that I’ll enjoy tons of fun DIY blog posts from you whenever you do buy a home!) 🙂
So glad I got saw this post! It would be great hanging over my back wall and I would love seeing the color out of my windows all summer
I’m glad you saw it too, Kelley! Yes, I find myself opening up our dining room curtains each day so I can get a quick look at the pretty blue flowers each morning! 🙂
Laura, I love your blog especially the ones on lithodora. I fell in love with them earlier this spring when my friend had a beautiful of them in his front yard. I understand there are 2 different color blue plants. Grace Ward is the most popular here but there is also one that is called star – something. Grace is darker blue the type. I search for months here in NC/SC and finally found 16 healthy Grace Ward plants which I bought and planted in different spots needing a touch of blue. then the rains came and after 12.25″ in 5 days all of my lithodora plants started to very quickly turn dark green – brown and then to black. digging them up I found that the roots had done the same so I’m assuming they rotted from all of the rain. I’m devastated because I can’t find any to replace the ones I lost this late in the season. If you have a source I’m anxious to try them again now that normal summer has returned. Thanks so much. Richard
You might be surprised and find that some of the roots will actually sprout up some new plants! That’s what happened to us after we thought we had dug up and removed the ‘dead’ plants! However, if your local nursery doesn’t have them, I’d try an online mail order catalog – search for perennial flower catalogs via Google or Bing – and you should be able to find something. Keep an eye on where you dug them up however, as they might surprise you with some sprouts! Fingers crossed!
Amazing blue! I love this flowers, thanks for sharing!
Have a great day and weekend!
Hugs from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft